PCSOFT has been serving the Smeaton Grange area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Google Maintains Its Monopoly on Search Engines

How Google Maintains Its Monopoly on Search Engines

It’s no secret that Google has a monopoly on the search engine market, but have you ever wondered how it maintains this stranglehold when other equally capable competitors, like Apple, could produce similar products? Well, it’s not as simple as you might think, and it even involves a considerable amount of funds that influence Apple’s decision.

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An iPhone Christmas Story

An iPhone Christmas Story

In recognition of the holiday this year, we’ve decided to adapt a famous tale to a more contemporary setting, and create a parody of the holiday classic, A Christmas Story. We hope you enjoy this retelling, as much as we enjoyed writing it!

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Tip of the Week: How To Delete All Those Recordings Siri Has of You

Tip of the Week: How To Delete All Those Recordings Siri Has of You

With personal privacy being a major public topic, Apple decided to give users more control over their data. 

Back in July, Apple had admitted that it was holding and listening to recordings of iOS users who use Siri. This wasn’t much of a surprise, since we know that Amazon and Google do the same with their digital assistants. Apple now lets you delete the conversations you’ve had with Siri.

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Tip of the Week: Avoid Facetime Spying

Tip of the Week: Avoid Facetime Spying

Sometimes threats come to light only after they’ve been around for long enough to cause concern for the public. This was the case with a new bug found in Apple’s FaceTime app that allowed users to spy on others without their consent through group FaceTime calls. Thankfully, a patch has been issued that resolves it, but perhaps the way that it was implemented is the most interesting of all.

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Making the Switch from Apple to Android? Be Prepared!

Making the Switch from Apple to Android? Be Prepared!

With so many options that don’t cost $800, the Android mobile OS gains more customers every day. If you were a dedicated iPhone user that is looking to switch to Android, you have to be cognizant of the things you will need to ensure that you are able to transfer the information you need, and be able to seamlessly pick up your new device without missing a beat. Here are some issues you should consider:

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Tablet Battle: Galaxy Tab S3 vs iPad Pro

Tablet Battle: Galaxy Tab S3 vs iPad Pro

Two of the primary developers of tablets--Apple and Samsung--have created two of the most popular devices out there: the iPad Pro and the Galaxy Tab S3. If you’re in need of a tablet, we can help you go over your options so that you choose the one that best suits your needs.

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Alert: Apple OS X Now at Risk of Ransomware

Alert: Apple OS X Now at Risk of Ransomware

Ransomware is a major problem in both the personal and private sectors of computing, but up until very recently, Apple users had little to fear from potential ransomware hacks. Security researchers at Palo Alto Networks have discovered what’s known to be the first completed ransomware on an Apple device. The threat, called KeRanger, is officially “in the wild,” and is a danger to any Mac user.

KeRanger is the first-ever completed ransomware that specifically targets the OS X operating system. In 2014, Kaspersky Labs found an incomplete form of ransomware for Mac, but it wasn’t a viable threat at the time. Now, however, KeRanger is free to usher in a host of more dangerous threats that could target Apple’s coveted operating systems.

This ransomware is spread through a torrenting software called Transmission. Torrenting is a type of software designed to share large files. It’s most widely used to distribute pirated content, like copyrighted films, tv shows, music, and more.

The KeRanger threat as explained by CNet:

If a user installed one of the infected versions of Transmission, an executable file embedded within the software would run on the system. At first, there'd be no sign of a problem. But after three days, KeRanger would connect with servers over the anonymous Tor network and begin encrypting certain files on the Mac's system.

Researchers claim that KeRanger is still under development, but it’s also trying to find a way to encrypt the victim’s backup data. If this happens, users will have virtually no chance of getting their data back without paying the dreaded ransom. Consider how important of a precedent this sets for ransomware; if a ransomware is capable of encrypting not just the files on your local PC, but also the files on your network and your backup files, it could become the most dangerous threat on the Internet.

To counteract this threat, Apple has revoked the security certificate that KeRanger exploits, and has updated its XProtect antivirus software. Transmission has also removed the infected version of its installer, so those who download the client won’t get the ransomware. However, those who have installed Transmission sometime between March 4th and 5th may be affected by KeRanger. If you want detailed instructions on how to identify if you’ve been targeted by KeRanger, and to learn how to best protect yourself from it, you can visit Palo Alto Networks’ site.

Most ransomware makes it borderline impossible to decrypt your files on your own. This is how hackers extort money from users. They play off of the irrational actions caused by fear. This is why it’s so important to protect your business’s assets from ransomware, before you fall prey to it. Implementing a solid security solution is a great way to do so, and you should generally avoid torrenting files in the office anyway. Also, it’s especially important that your employees understand security best practices when browsing the Internet.

The most obvious and important course of action to remember is that your business needs to protect its assets from ransomware, before you get infected. To make sure that your network is protected from ransomware, give PCSOFT a call at 02 98730080.

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Apple Stands Up to the FBI: Legal Battle Ensues

b2ap3_thumbnail_fbi_and_apple_400.jpgThere’s no questioning Apple’s dedication to the advancement of technology, especially over the past few decades. With the iPhone being the first of many commercially available smartphones, Apple has always been at the forefront of exciting consumer technology developments. Now, however, their most important decision yet may come in the form of a face-off with the FBI.

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Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567