PCSOFT has been serving the Smeaton Grange area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Outsourced IT is an Amazing Investment for Your Business

Outsourced IT is an Amazing Investment for Your Business

With technology cementing itself in all aspects of everyday life, businesses need a stronger competitive edge than ever to overcome the odds. SMBs can use technology for this purpose, specifically outsourcing technology management and maintenance to a third party. With the help of a managed service provider, your business can compensate for any skills deficit it might have and properly maintain its IT infrastructure.

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What Kind of a Tool is Cloud Computing?

What Kind of a Tool is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is used by just about all businesses in some capacity, but how much should your company rely on it for its important functions? Let’s discuss some of the options you have for your cloud computing infrastructure and how it can all contribute to your business’ continued success.

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Tomorrow’s IT: Why Managed Services are Crucial in 2019


Technology has fundamentally altered the capabilities of businesses. Cloud computing has provided access to enterprise-strength computing at small business costs, and now IT providers are more able to provide value than simple repair-and-replace services. The name of the game is value, which is why the value-driven IT services of tomorrow are here to stay.

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How Our Tech’s Tools Can Increase Your Effectiveness

How Our Tech’s Tools Can Increase Your Effectiveness

Monitoring parts of your business is a good practice as it allows you to get out in front of any potential problem it may have. As IT is concerned, monitoring is a crucial part of ensuring that every part of your business’ computing infrastructure is working as intended. Today, we thought we’d discuss the tools used to monitor IT networks and infrastructure, and what effect that can have on your business.

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Delivering Efficiency with Managed IT, Part III

Delivering Efficiency with Managed IT, Part III

When a person reaches out to you for your business acumen, you help them because you know more than they do. Why else would they ask? The best thing you can do for your business is to use technology effectively. The only way you’ll know you are doing that is if you see the increased productivity, efficiency, and profitability often cited as reasons to invest in technology. In part three of our series about managed IT services value, we will take a look at the role of consulting, and how it brings big benefits in many different aspects of your business.

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Delivering Efficiency with Managed IT, Part I

Delivering Efficiency with Managed IT, Part I

Anyone that uses a computer knows just how frustrating it is when that computer doesn’t function as intended. For a business, it negatively affects profitability. If you don’t have the support structure in place to mitigate your technology problems, you could be spending a whole lot of money on nothing. In part one of our five-part series on managed IT services, we talk about how being proactive keeps your technology, and your business, working fluidly.

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Tip of the Week: Reduce Your Costs with Managed IT Services

Tip of the Week: Reduce Your Costs with Managed IT Services

Small business owners are always looking for a way to shave some of that overhead off of their budgets. While this is probably true for most business owners, the more capital a small business can save, the more it can do. Outsourcing its IT management is one way to either cut down the company’s technology maintenance costs--or, if your company doesn’t currently have a dedicated technician--can keep you from paying way too much to keep your business running smoothly. 

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Understanding Managed Services Makes the Benefits Clear

Understanding Managed Services Makes the Benefits Clear

Businesses today understand that competition is fierce, and in order to avoid being the little fish in their respective pond, they need to be capable of more than ever before. Fortunately, there’s the as-a-Service model that enables a small business to leverage services that they simply couldn’t have afforded before. These services, referred to as managed services, can provide a business like yours no small amount of value.

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The Best Way to Value Managed IT Services

The Best Way to Value Managed IT Services

Can you place a value on your organization’s IT solutions? Sure, but the true value of them is really how much money they save you in the grand scheme of things. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the amount of capital your technology solutions cost could completely sink any profits your business pulls in. How can you optimize efficiency? After all, you can make as many sales out there as you want, but if you have no way of keeping track of things, you’re asking for a failed business venture. The answer is simple: managed IT services.

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5 Reasons IT is Stressed About Security

5 Reasons IT is Stressed About Security

If you have an internal IT administrator, they might be pretty stressed about your business’ security. Why? Simple - there’s a good chance that they feel trapped in a few common situations. Let’s review some stresses that influence IT employees, negatively affecting your security.

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5 Reasons Why an RMM Approach Would Work for You

5 Reasons Why an RMM Approach Would Work for You

Your business, like all businesses, relies on a lot of moving parts to function. That’s the reality. What isn’t the reality is that you have no control over whether these moving parts will break down, and that you have to just sit and wait for it to happen, reacting when it does.

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Because Busy Business Owners Shouldn’t Have to Worry About Technology

Because Busy Business Owners Shouldn’t Have to Worry About Technology

A business without its own IT department will expend vast amounts of time and resources to manage its technology. Tasks like managing your email solution, upgrading or managing your desktop infrastructure, or securing your network from threats, can be draining. If you don’t have time to perform these tasks, then it’s worth it to invest in an outsourced IT provider for your technology needs.

Many organizations are faced with an increasing need for technology maintenance like never before, and they are turning their attention toward third party technology management brought to them by managed service providers. At first, this proposition might sound a bit strange. It’s difficult to justify purchasing services when you can just do them yourself. However, you’ll find that the long-term cost savings will far outweigh any costs associated with managed IT, and you’ll save both time and resources that can instead go to better purposes.

In other words, rather than spend time managing your organization’s technology, you’ll be able to focus more on running your business.

Granted, there is the option of hiring an internal IT department. Although, after looking closely at this expense you may find that this move could eventually become much more of a long-term cost than investing in an outsourced managed service provider. Paying multiple salaries could easily become much more of a problem for your budget than a simple monthly payment to a managed service provider. It’s a simple choice, but you need to consider your business’s unique needs before making it.

Some organizations believe that managed IT means giving up control over your IT infrastructure, but this is simply false. A good managed IT provider like PCSOFT will make every effort to create a transparent, trusting relationship with your organization. We believe that cooperation is the key to unlocking your business’s full potential, and a proper technology strategy is the best place to start. A proactive technology policy will be able to help you keep your operational infrastructure in proper working order.

As a managed service provider, PCSOFT offers the following services for your business:


  • Network security management
  • Email management
  • Hardware and software procurement
  • Remote maintenance and management
  • Backup and disaster recovery
  • Help desk support
  • And more!

Does your business want to leverage technology to the best of its ability? If so, reach out to us at 02 98730080.

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Managed IT Service Works for the Modern Business

Managed IT Service Works for the Modern Business

Managing your business’ technology can be challenging, especially if you’re a small business with a limited budget. Either you have the money to pay a small in-house IT department to manage your organization’s assets, or you don’t. Depending on the way your organization is structured, you might even have your employees manage their own technology, which isn’t the right way to go. As strange as it is to read, managed IT services are capable of providing an effective way to manage IT.

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Managed IT Services Bring Substantial Value

Managed IT Services Bring Substantial Value

How does your business handle IT maintenance? Chances are that your small business is in one of two situations: you either have a small internal IT department that can only accomplish a handful of tasks every month, or you have no IT department and rely on your employees to perform any maintenance. No matter how you look at it, this situation is not advantageous.

Thankfully, managed IT is something that can replace the age-old break-fix method to IT maintenance. Break-fix is the traditional model of technology maintenance in which businesses would seek out companies trained in how to resolve IT issues. Examples of such trouble could be a hardware failure, data loss, or even something as simple as an email flow problem.

Unfortunately, by the time the issue is resolved, downtime has cost your organization likely more than it did to fix the problem, hitting your business where it hurts twice. In fact, downtime is one of the major problems associated with any technology maintenance, and it’s a big enough pain point that any way an organization can reduce or eliminate downtime is important to consider. In order to optimize the use of a small business’ capital resources, downtime needs to be thwarted. A managed IT service provider accomplishes this by preventing issues through proactive maintenance.

This is something that, by nature, a break-fix IT company is incapable of fulfilling. After all, a break-fix provider profits from your technology breaking down often. Rather than just slap a temporary fix on your infrastructure, managed IT looks at the core reason why they have happened in the first place. Managed IT aims to understand and prevent issues to reduce downtime, and thus cost. When the business’ technology breaks, an MSP is actually losing money. This method ensures that when you have a managed service provider handling your IT services, it is fully committed to seeing your organization’s technology run effectively.

To this end, managed IT provides technicians who are more than capable of either helping your current IT department, or filling the gap that’s currently being manned by your employees. Doing so can open up a world of possibilities for your on-site technicians. They can finally get around to implementing new solutions designed to help your organization profit, rather than answering endless questions thrown at them on a daily basis. On the other hand, if they would prefer to play the support role, our technicians can help your organization implement new technology solutions to streamline operations.

In other words, managed IT can be whatever you want it to be--whether as a supplement to your in-house team; or as the primary service provider.

One of the main selling points of managed IT is that it’s much more affordable than break-fix IT. As previously stated, you’re not waiting for a big bill in the event of a technology issue. Instead, you’re making smaller, predictable payments once a month to keep issues from surfacing. This keeps these small issues from becoming major problems.

If you’ve had enough irritating technology troubles and want to learn more about how managed IT services can save you money and help your organization be more profitable, call the IT professionals at PCSOFT today at 02 98730080.

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Would You Rather Trust Something That Repeatedly Breaks, Or Something That’s Managed?

Would You Rather Trust Something That Repeatedly Breaks, Or Something That’s Managed?

When you are looking for help with your IT maintenance, would you rather experience downtime and frustration, or would you rather not? While the right answer to this question is clear, many organizations still rely on antiquated break-fix IT support that holds them back from achieving greatness. What are the differences between traditional break-fix IT support and a managed service provider?

Let’s take a focused look at a certain issue, as well as how both break-fix IT and managed IT services approach it.

Break-Fix IT
A break-fix IT strategy focused on being more reactive than proactive. Basically, you only maintain your systems when they are already experiencing problems. This generally includes a technician arriving on-site to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, this method of maintaining your business’s technology isn’t sustainable, and you’ll soon realize that the downtime suffered from such a practice could be crippling in the long run.

Technology helps your business move at incredibly high speeds. Without it, you’ll be forced to slog through the mud when even a single part of your hardware infrastructure breaks down. If the hardware is required by your employees to perform their duties, you could wind up with not just a single employee being incapable of working, but multiple workers, all of whom are wasting time and money.

You have to take into account numerous factors when determining the true cost of break-fix IT services. The travel time to the office, the time spent by the technician on-site, how many employees aren’t capable of working, and the expense of purchasing new hardware. Furthermore, if they aren’t able to make the repairs with the parts they have on-hand, you’ll have to wait until the parts are ordered and delivered, further increasing just about all aspects of break-fix IT. The end result is your organization being unable to perform as intended for at least some duration of time, which also decreased profit and cash flow. Simply put, the more economical choice is managed IT services.

Managed IT Services
Just like break-fix IT, there’s a certain history to managed IT services. This development came about as a result of the shortcomings of break-fix IT--rather than waiting for problems to occur so they could be resolved, someone out there thought it would be better to prevent the problems from happening in the first place, therefore eliminating the need for them to be resolved. At its most optimal, managed IT proactively monitors your network to resolve minor issues before they can cause operational problems.

This leads to a predictable monthly rate to cover any issues that crop up remotely, which keeps your business from suffering due to downtime. Since most problems can be resolved remotely, it’s likely that you won’t even notice the problems in the first place, since they can be detected and resolved so quickly. Compared to the sporadic and volatile price range for break-fix IT, a monthly payment that covers your service level agreement is a much more appealing (and manageable) investment.

To learn more about managed IT services, reach out to PCSOFT at 02 98730080.

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Does Your Network Management Seem Unmanageable?

Does Your Network Management Seem Unmanageable?

There’s no denying that there is a lot to do in a business environment, and some things take longer than others...or at least they should. Is your business investing enough time into its network management, and all the tasks, processes, and responsibilities that it involves?

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When Juggling Business Responsibilities, You Can't Afford to Drop IT Maintenance

When Juggling Business Responsibilities, You Can't Afford to Drop IT Maintenance

The business world increasingly relies on IT services. Regardless of which industry you fall into, IT will undoubtedly play a major role in how your business functions on a daily basis. Businesses also need their technology to remain in proper working order, but this is easier said than done--especially if you don’t have the luxury of an in-house IT department. Thankfully, managed service providers make this much less difficult.

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Tip of the Week: Outsourced IT is the Affordable Alternative to Hiring IT Staff

Tip of the Week: Outsourced IT is the Affordable Alternative to Hiring IT Staff

There seems to be a shortage of IT skills in today’s job market. Unfortunately, there has never been a worse time for this to happen, as cyber security threats are more prevalent today than ever before. In response to the demand for highly skilled IT management experience, outsourced IT is a great way to take advantage of the latest security solutions without the burden of hiring an in-house IT department. Here are three ways that outsourced IT is the way to go to resolve the problem of the IT skills shortage.

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3 Ways Managed Services Can Improve Operations for Every Business

3 Ways Managed Services Can Improve Operations for Every Business

When you take your broken-down technology to a break-fix IT technician, they’ll usually fix the problem, but you’ll be stuck with a hefty, per-hour rate that could easily ruin your IT budget. Unfortunately, small and medium-sized businesses often have little choice in the matter, as they can’t afford in-house technicians. Thankfully, there’s a third option for your IT solutions, and it’s called managed IT services.

While traditional break-fix IT services may have seemed helpful in the past, a time has come for its replacement to offer a more viable, efficient, and flexible alternative. Here are three reasons why SMBs would want to take advantage of managed IT services.

Reduced Costs
Break-fix technology is expensive by nature, primarily because you’re purchasing convenience. Think of it in this manner; you go to a restaurant to be served by waiters and waitresses when you don’t feel like cooking your own dinner. Plus, the cooks probably won’t be willing to part with their trade secrets so that you can cook your own meals. Break-fix IT works in a similar manner. They don’t want you to take preventative measures to keep problems from happening in the future, since they profit off of your misfortune.

Managed IT uses monthly payments that are easy to budget and are designed to save your business money in the long run. Most important of all, though, is that managed IT takes a preventative stance that tries to stop issues from becoming major problems in the first place. This saves you money on hardware and software replacements, as you’re wasting fewer budget dollars on downtime.

Improved Security and Efficiency
Efficiency is one of the most important traits that anyone could want out of IT maintenance. Network monitoring and maintenance is a necessity for businesses that want to guarantee the security of their systems. Patches also need to be issued in a timely manner to prevent vulnerabilities in widely-used software solutions from buckling under pressure of hacking attacks. Of course, all of this is much easier said than done. The SMB has a limited schedule and workforce, which inevitably leads to cutting corners in order to “stay ahead.”

Managed IT services can also remedy this issue. Our technicians have the ability to remotely monitor and maintain your infrastructure so that you can resolve issues efficiently without an on-site visit. In fact, most problems with your infrastructure can be resolved remotely, so you can limit our on-site visits to only the most necessary of operations.

End-to-End Support
While some businesses have an internal IT department, they may be too busy to implement new and innovative IT solutions. On the other hand, they may be too busy innovating to provide quality technology support to your users. Either way, your team is swamped with work, and managed IT offers an easier solution to this issue that’s a better alternative to putting too many demands on such a crucial asset (your IT department).

Managed IT wants to help your internal IT department manage and delegate tasks in an effective manner. If your internal team needs assistance, our technicians are only a phone call away. If you want us to innovate in your stead, we can do that too. Regardless of your IT needs, we can improve your business’s operations.

To learn more, reach out to us at 02 98730080.

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When IT’s Done Right, Managed IT Can Enhance Your In-House IT Service

b2ap3_thumbnail_outsourced_it_400.jpgTechnology management is a major pain point for small and medium-sized businesses. Some organizations might have an in-house team dedicated to handling all of the technology maintenance and management while others will choose to outsource this responsibility to a managed IT service provider. While going with an MSP for your business’s IT needs has its advantages, it also presents a unique set of challenges that must be overcome.

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Unit 2/8 Gallipoli Street
Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567