Is your business adhering to essential IT compliance requirements?

Compliance Standards

A Successful Business is One That Prioritizes Its Data Protection

Cybersecurity is a serious concern for businesses of all sizes, with considerable repercussions promised to those who don’t sufficiently attend to it. The outcome for a business that fails to do so can be wide-reaching and—in a word—devastating. After all, regulatory standards and frameworks serve as strict rules for organizations to follow to protect the public. Neglecting responsibility to follow them carries significant shortcomings for a business, including regulatory fines, stripped permissions, and bruised reputations.

This makes it of utmost importance that you ensure that you are in line with the baseline mitigation strategies that the Australian Cyber Security Centre refers to as the “Essential Eight.”

These eight strategies are further broken down into different levels of tradecraft (in other words, how far a cybercriminal is willing to go to get what they want) to address different levels of risk for different assets and organizations. 

We can help you establish what your risk is, and develop a compliance framework to apply to your business's cybersecurity.

What Does the Essential Eight Dictate a Business Do?

The mitigation strategies are as follows:

Application Control
This strategy determines, based on the maturity level that is applicable, what processes can be carried out by applications and scripts.

Patch Applications
This strategy outlines how promptly security-focused patches and updates are to be deployed upon their release, and how different scenarios might call for an application to be replaced.

Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings
This strategy dictates who can have access to Microsoft Office macros, and in what circumstances these macros can be used.

User Application Hardening
This strategy covers what different Internet-connected applications are capable of doing at different levels.

Restrict Administrative Privileges
This strategy explains how different privileges may be distributed, as well as establishing what limits these privileges must carry.

Patch Operating Systems
This strategy, similar to the one described above that discussed application patching, outlines how promptly operating system patches and updates are to be applied in different scenarios.

Multi-Factor Authentication
This strategy determines when MFA is to be used, and how stringent the authentication measures must be at different levels.

Regular Backups
This strategy summarizes the different privileges that can be granted regarding backed-up data at the different maturity levels, while also establishing a need for comprehensive backup and data recovery planning.

We’re Here to Help You Determine Which Requirements Apply to Your Business and Ensure You Meet Them

We are here to help businesses use their technology to their greatest advantage, which includes keeping them out of hot water where their IT use is concerned. If you find yourself in need of assistance in ensuring that you are upholding all of the compliance requirements that apply to your operations, give us a call at 02 98730080 today.

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Learn more about what PCSOFT can do for your business.

Suite 2.07, 3 Fordham Way
Oran Park, NSW 2570