PCSOFT has been serving the Smeaton Grange area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The IoT Can Really Help Today’s Manufacturers

The IoT Can Really Help Today’s Manufacturers

The Internet of Things is an umbrella term for internet-connected devices, but whatever you want to call it, the integration of technology into manufacturing and distribution processes can have a lot of benefits. Today, we’ll take a closer look at manufacturing IoT.

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When Your Business Grows, You Need to Keep Your IT Budget in Check

When Your Business Grows, You Need to Keep Your IT Budget in Check

Managing your company's IT is crucial to running a successful business today, but it can also be tricky and expensive if not done right. Here are some common mistakes that can lead to overspending on technology.

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How to Keep Your Tech Budget Manageable as You Grow

How to Keep Your Tech Budget Manageable as You Grow

Effective IT management is integral to modern business operations. While it can be complex and demanding, a well-executed IT strategy can bring immense benefits. Let's explore some common pitfalls that can lead to uncontrolled technology budgets.

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The Most Successful Goals are Set Strategically

The Most Successful Goals are Set Strategically

Running a small business often involves big dreams of rapid growth and immediate success. However, keeping expectations realistic is essential to achieving steady progress. In today’s blog, we’ll explore how managers and entrepreneurs can set achievable goals and maintain balance in their businesses.

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Reporting is a Big Part of Modern Compliance

Reporting is a Big Part of Modern Compliance

Managing technology and procedures that maintain compliance with regulations might seem like a never-ending and problematic task. One of the best strategies is developing a reporting system to make this task manageable and even beneficial for a business' growth and sustainability. Reporting isn’t just about ticking boxes for regulators; it’s about creating a transparent, accountable, and efficient operation that can adapt to a business’ regulatory requirements.

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Reduce Your Risk of Employee Theft

Reduce Your Risk of Employee Theft

Businesses today need to worry about people outside their business trying to break into their network and steal their data. Unfortunately, that’s not the only direction that theft can come from. In this week’s blog, we’ll take a look at the types of technology theft you need to be aware of inside of your company and what you can do about it.

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Avoiding Employee Turnover and Burnout is Important for Any Business

Avoiding Employee Turnover and Burnout is Important for Any Business

Running a business is challenging, often involving tough decisions, particularly when it comes to employee retention and ensuring their productivity. In today's article, we discuss the issues that arise from high employee turnover and burnout, which can really be a problem for the modern business.

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The Pros and Cons of Leaning on Cloud Computing

The Pros and Cons of Leaning on Cloud Computing

The cloud is undeniably useful for most individuals and businesses, and its increasing use in business situations shows this. However, this doesn’t mean that it is the be-all and end-all for businesses. In this month’s newsletter, we thought we’d discuss some of the pros and cons of using cloud platforms inside a small business setting.

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Poor Productivity Leads to Poor Business Performance

Poor Productivity Leads to Poor Business Performance

Productivity. To business owners, it can be a mantra. You can judge the success of your organization by productivity, as it often translates directly to profits. You’ll notice a lack of productivity in your operations, and potentially even your pocketbooks, so it’s incredibly important to know whether your business is being productive or not.

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Organizing Your Emails Can Be Pretty RAD

Organizing Your Emails Can Be Pretty RAD

Struggling to manage your overflowing email inbox? You're not alone. Many professionals find it challenging to achieve the elusive "inbox zero." If you're ready to transform how you handle your emails, consider adopting the RAD method. This approach, developed by Nick Sonnenberg, founder and CEO of Leverage, could revolutionize your email management.

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Use Data to Understand Your Business Better

Use Data to Understand Your Business Better

Analytics can significantly enhance workplace productivity by providing data-driven insights that inform decision-making and streamline processes. One primary benefit is the ability to track and analyze employee performance. By leveraging key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics, managers can identify high-performing employees, understand the factors contributing to their success, and replicate these practices across the team. Conversely, analytics can also help pinpoint areas where employees might be struggling, enabling targeted interventions such as additional training or support. This tailored approach ensures that each employee can perform to the best of their abilities, thereby boosting overall productivity.

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Use These 5 Password Best Practices to Protect Yourself Online

Use These 5 Password Best Practices to Protect Yourself Online

Passwords have long been a cornerstone of online account security, paired with usernames to form the basis of most login systems. Consequently, they are prime targets for hackers seeking to steal credentials and gain unauthorized access to accounts or networks. The inherent weaknesses of poor passwords have become more apparent in recent years, however. This has prompted the growing adoption of additional security measures available to users.

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Keys to Improving Operational Efficiency

Keys to Improving Operational Efficiency

For the modern business, keeping processes efficient is a key contributor to maintaining productivity. By doing your best to eliminate inefficiencies small businesses can remain competitive and profitable. One effective strategy is to streamline processes through automation.

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Technology Has a Significant Role in Company Culture

Technology Has a Significant Role in Company Culture

Your business’ IT is not just a minor component; it’s deeply woven into the fabric of your business. Today, we’ll briefly explore how technology and culture converge inside today’s businesses.

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Here are Five Ways Faster Internet Helps Your Business

Here are Five Ways Faster Internet Helps Your Business

Internet speeds have been increasing over the past few years as more people do more online. This enhancement in speed brings several benefits to businesses of all types. Let’s look at five benefits businesses can take advantage of with higher Internet speeds. 

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If You Want to Insure Your Business, You’re Going to Need MFA

If You Want to Insure Your Business, You’re Going to Need MFA

Certain businesses have taken a much closer interest in cybersecurity… those businesses being business insurance providers. Many will now only provide coverage if your business maintains certain cybersecurity standards. One key tool they want to see is multi-factor authentication, or MFA.

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AI-Driven Technology is Changing Business

AI-Driven Technology is Changing Business

Undoubtedly, AI is becoming a big part of daily life. One can hardly turn on the news without hearing about the latest applications it has, from home convenience to business optimization… including today’s small businesses.

Let’s take a few moments to consider how artificial intelligence can serve your own business well.

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The Challenges of a 4-Day Workweek

The Challenges of a 4-Day Workweek

There are many ways to increase your team's productivity, but one of the less obvious ones is to consider an alternative work week. Specifically, the idea in question is the four-day workweek, which advocates argue could potentially increase productivity by virtue of working less.

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Let’s Solve Your Business’ Greatest IT Challenges

Let’s Solve Your Business’ Greatest IT Challenges

Technology is crucial to the success of modern-day business operations, so you must ensure efforts are made to keep your IT in proper working order. A managed service provider, or MSP, can make this a much easier task. Today, we want to discuss some of the common IT challenges businesses encounter and how we can address them.

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Automating HR Tasks can Save A Lot of Money

Automating HR Tasks can Save A Lot of Money

Human resources is a critical part of your business, but since it doesn’t generate any actual revenue, there has been a push to cut back on HR spending. In response, many businesses have started using HR automation technology to handle the myriad tasks HR is typically responsible for. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits HR automation can bring to your business. 

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Suite 2.07, 3 Fordham Way
Oran Park, NSW 2570