PCSOFT has been serving the Smeaton Grange area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Much of 2016’s $825 Billion in Unpaid Invoices Were Owed to You?

How Much of 2016’s $825 Billion in Unpaid Invoices Were Owed to You?

The primary reason that businesses are opened is to make money. Whether it’s to sustain a lifestyle, provide funds for a cause, or some other goal, a business needs an incoming cash flow in order to stay open. However, this is a fairly large problem for many small businesses, as their invoices often don’t return in a timely manner.

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Revolutionary Idea: Pay for the Cloud Computing Resources You Actually Use

Revolutionary Idea: Pay for the Cloud Computing Resources You Actually Use

Not too long ago, cloud computing was considered more of a luxury than a commodity. Nowadays, however, many companies, even those who are just getting their feet wet in the business environment, are fully capable of using the cloud for all sorts of purposes. As the cloud transforms into a more accessible technology, many large companies have pushed their cloud platforms to offer secure storage, software deployment, and communications, in an effort to reduce costs.

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Bitcoin Use Reaches Record Levels, Despite Its 2014 Fiasco

b2ap3_thumbnail_new_bitcoin_400.jpgBitcoin, a cryptocurrency used for anonymity on the web, was once the hottest thing on the cyber market. Everyone thought it was a great innovation that allowed for improved online privacy for transactions. Thanks to some rather complicated matters, though, Bitcoin took a nosedive and has needed some time to get back on its feet. Now, it seems people are finally using Bitcoin again, and in a never before seen quantity.

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Alert: Hackers Targeting ATMs to Get At Your Cash

b2ap3_thumbnail_atm_malware_400.jpgATMs are probably everyone’s favorite kind of computer. You swipe your card, enter in your PIN, and withdraw cash immediately. Many people forget that an ATM is simply a computer in disguise, though; one that can be infected with malware just as easily as any old PC can. A new type of ATM malware, GreenDispenser, is making its rounds in Mexico, and could potentially make its way to other countries if left unchecked.

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Unit 2/8 Gallipoli Street
Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567