PCSOFT has been serving the Smeaton Grange area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Vendor Management Scenarios You Should Avoid

b2ap3_thumbnail_cio_services_400.jpgManaging your vendors can be big trouble for a small business. While your organization’s productivity depends on their products and services, dealing with vendors is often an exhausting task that eats up a significant amount of time. By outsourcing this responsibility to a vendor management service, you can handle vendors much more efficiently.

PCSOFT wants to help businesses like yours achieve what we call a "single point of contact," where you have an external party handle all of your technology vendors for you. This is called vendor management, and is one of PCSOFT's valuable services. We want to help your organization reap the benefits of a single point of contact, and in doing so, you will benefit from avoiding these three holdups associated with vendor management.

The Threat of Acquisition
The vendors which you purchase your mission-critical software and hardware through are businesses just like yours. Therefore, it's reasonable to say that they are subject to the same risk of acquisition as you are. If your vendors are acquired by a larger company, it can complicate your relationship with them. By outsourcing the responsibility of vendor management, your single point of contact would be PCSOFT. We would handle any dealings with vendors, allowing you to continue operations as normal, without the fear that your services would suddenly become unavailable.

Having to Repeat Yourself
Discussing your needs with vendors can be time-consuming and exhausting, especially if you have to do so for many different businesses. Rather than explain your circumstances to many different vendors, with vendor management, you only have to explain it once. We'll handle it from there. Dealing with an account manager from your vendor can be frustrating, especially if they rub you the wrong way. In general, it's in your business's best interest to allow an external party to handle the difficulties, which generally makes it much easier to retain a quality relationship with the vendor.

Wasting Time and Resources
In other words, vendor management has the potential to save your organization both time and money by lessening the amount of time you have to deal with vendors. This effectively allows you to spend your workday on more important matters, like optimizing operations and increasing profits. Plus, if you outsource this responsibility to trained technology professionals like PCSOFT's technicians, we can ensure that you get the best product at a price worth bragging about. We know the value of quality technology better than anyone else around, so we'll be sure to use our knowledge for your benefit.

By allowing PCSOFT to represent your business as your vendor management specialist, you'll be saving several hours that could otherwise have been spent on more productive parts of your organization's operations. Give us a call at 02 98730080 for more information about how we can make your technology work for you.

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Unit 2/8 Gallipoli Street
Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567